Sliding Doors

This is where all information on glass, security and generic Sliding door information will live. We will discuss we have two options for SD and these are all timber and timber allu.  With Buttons to take you directly to each section. 


Vantge Modern Air

Product specific details will go here. The image will change when you hover over it. The image will be a  whole product image inside and outside.( this can carousel  ) There will also be a key below of timber options. 

Add Opening arrangement and setting arrangement downloadable PDF details . 

Priority order : 1 ( modern air ) 

2: Classic

Timber options


Endurance Modern Air

Product specific details will go here. The image will change when you hover over it. The image will be a  whole product image inside and outside.( this can carousel  ) There will also be a key below of timber options. 

Add Opening arrangement and setting arrangement downloadable PDF details . 

Priority order : 1 ( modern air ) 

2: Classic

Timber options - only available in Timber / Allu

Allu options

Insulation and Energy performance + passiv haus

This is where we will talk about its energy performance and sustainably sourced timber and passiv haus options etc etc etc .  This is a place holder image 

Extra information

This is where we will talk about handles, flush locks etc etc . 

Image or images to the right. 

This will be the footer leading on to another product or Architect/ services page.